Welcome to North Sydney Brothers JRLFC, it is fantastic that we have a motivated group of U14 female league tag players for Season 2023. We currently have 11 registrations for U14s Tag, and the club will actively recruit some more players, and likewise if you have U14 friends encourage them to join the team. Our experience is that teams need good numbers in their squad to make it through an entire season.
As a way of introduction to North Sydney Brothers, we run a “play for free” initiative whereby the club subsidises the playing fees, insurance and playing kit for all our players (you would have noticed there was NO registration fee). We are determined to give everyone an opportunity to play and enjoy the game that we love. Junior rugby league (both tackle and tag) is a fantastic game promoting fitness, teamwork and resilience in kids and young adults, not to mention it is safe and a lot of fun.
The female League Tag competitions in the North Sydney District are the fastest-growing segment of the game and are competitive but played in great spirit. Matches are played on Saturday afternoons and involve the following clubs:
Brothers home games are played at Tunks Park, Cammeray, and away games are played in the suburbs noted above. The competition will start on Saturday 22nd April and there will be at least one gala day involving matches on North Sydney Oval ahead of the North Sydney Bears games.
Training will be held at a time suitable to the coach and most players (to be determined) at either Tunks Park (Cammeray) or Primrose Park (Cremorne)
For a bit of light reading,
see attached the laws of the game. We are still finalising player numbers, coaches etc but we will endeavour to get the girls together for some preseason training sessions in March (possibly on the weekends) to bring them up to speed on the game. In the meantime make sure the girls have access to a footy (Size 5) and are practicing their catch and pass skills at home with a parent, friend or sibling.
Also, we will be holding a club-wide skills session on Monday 27th February from 5pm to 6pm at Tunks Park, so I would encourage you if possible to come down for a light run around and bring some friends who might be interested in playing also.
In the meantime, I will include you all in club correspondence and will notify you of any special club-wide events.
We are very excited to have a female tag team involved with the club this year and hope they all enjoy the experience, have fun, improve their skills and learn a lot. I have included the North Sydney Brothers Committee on this email as ensuring North Sydney Brothers participation in the female tag competitions was a key goal for the club in 2023.
If any of the parent groups would like to coach the team please let me know, the club will provide full training and support for them.