Brothers Community Announcement – menALIVE Weekend

Hello North Sydney Brothers Community,

Given our football club’s long-standing ties with Marist Catholic College, North Sydney and by way of extension, St Marys Catholic Church, North Sydney, I am extending the following information to you on behalf of a member of the North Sydney Brothers Community, Paul Valentine, who is on the steering committee of the Catholic Church in North Sydney.

menALIVE Weekend for Men is SOON.  

It is happening on the 4th & 5th March at St Mary’s Ron Dyer Centre, Miller Street, North Sydney.

From Paul Valentine:

You will notice that the brochure says “Catholic Men” but I would like to extend it to ALL men who are curious and would like to EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE a weekend filled with ENERGY can do for them. 

Experienced leaders from the menALIVE team will be running the weekend.  There is still time to register. 

For More Information, please contact: 

· Paul Valentine 0410 002 981 

· Richard Hamilton 0402 853 226, 

· Michael Hickson 0402 442 168, 

· Peter Walden 0448 474 629. 

Register at:

Please contact Paul as per above if you have interest in this event.

Kind Regards

Gareth Uys


North Sydney Brothers JRL