From Gareth Uys – President, 2023
Issued: 9th December, 2022
Hello All,
I hope everybody is enjoying the offseason, but nonetheless keeping a footy in your hands and staying fit and healthy.
You may well have seen information about the changes to Community Rugby League in Season 2023 proposed by both the NSWRL and NRL. The changes have been developed in consultation with the NSW Community Rugby League Association and are based on the NRL Player Development Framework. I have attached supporting documentation for those of you that are interested.
- The Player Development Framework Report (NRL) from 2019 which formed the basis for a number of trial regions.
- Player Development Framework Implementation Letter (NSWRL).
- A list of FAQs.
As you can imagine, the changes have prompted a significant outpouring of opinions, emotions and general commentary across the game in NSW and many at our club would no doubt share those opinions.
To summarise and clarify what the changes will look like in Season 2023 for North Sydney Brothers within the North Sydney District Junior Rugby League see my summary below:
2023 U6s – League Ready Program with an assigned NRL development officer (same as this year) BUT U6s will play League Tag on weekends ALL season, they will not progress to tackle in season 2023. They will learn tackle skills and practice tackle at training but game days will be League Tag all season.
2023 U7s – League Ready Program with an assigned NRL development officer. U7s will play League Tag on the weekend until a mid-season gala day and then complete the remainder of the season playing tackle. It is the same format that the U6’s under took this season.
2023 U8s – Under 8s will play tackle on the weekend, games will be scored but they will be non-competitive (no ladders, no grand finals) – Same format as 2022.
2023 U9s – Under 9s will play tackle on the weekend, games will be scored and THERE WILL BE COMPETITIVE RUGBY LEAGUE. Yes there will be ladders and grand finals. This is different to the proposed changes by the NSWRL and NRL.
2023 U10s/U11s/U12s – Will play tackle on weekend, games will be scored and competitions will proceed as they did this year (ladders, grand finals etc)
2023 U13s and Up – No Changes – International Rules
In summary, The North Sydney Junior League has decided to adopt the proposed changes to U6’s and U7’s based on the positive feedback from this year’s inaugural League Ready program. The Junior League has however decided to delay the implementation of non-competitive rugby league for the U9s and the phased in implementation to higher age groups.
If anyone has any questions, concerns or queries please email or call to discuss.
Gareth – 0427 108 050
[email protected]